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Patron, Mrs. Linda Ramkalawan
First Lady of the Republic of Seychelles
From the moment I was introduced to the founding members of the White Feather Fund and listened to the aspirations it was love at first sight! What attracted me most was the vision for the children of supporting orphans in Seychelles – to cater for their educational needs, social education, leisure activities, provide careers guidance and ensure their safe transition from supporting orphans in Seychelles to the outside world. In so doing providing much needed support for the nuns. I could sense that there was a lot of passion and emotions and I shared their vision. It was a group of persons who wanted to do good for others and it was coming from sincere hearts.
I do believe that if all of us could do a little bit to help others in need, we could help change the world and make it a better place to live in. As Bishop Desmond Tutu said “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” If we can bring a smile to a child’s face, make him feel loved and know that there are people who cares and wants the best for them, then we would have accomplished a good part of our mission.So it was with great honour and pleasure that I accepted to become part of the White Feather Fund and be the Patron for such a worthy cause. I look forward to an exciting journey!
Patron, Mrs. Linda Ramkalawan
First Lady of the Republic of Seychelles
Alma Artiaga
Founder & CEO
Christopher Lespoir
Vice President

Kim Pockpas
Mia Bonne
Honorary Member
Dorothy Furneau
Perla Di Gregorio
Second Secretary